okay, what's up with people being meanies on the internet? is it because no one can "see" you while you tap-tap-tap icky hatery things all over your blog? is it because you are sad about your life? want more attention? feel like the world has done you wrong?
I want/have wanted to firebomb many people. it is true.
but there is a difference between desire & action. I choose not to do things that intentionally harm other people.
this does not make me a hippy who loves everyone. I have a shit list. and I'm a taurus (saying that also doesn't make me a hippy--it means mess with the bull & you'll get the horns).
however, I am interested in why some people feel the need to stir up the hate--especially around poetry/poets. I mean, granted there are likely more poets today than ever before, but poetry is still pretty marginal. who is "known," & who is "unknown?" I mean is anyone battling to be king of the poets? I guess there are a few. but the fact is that most people don't read poetry & if they do it's the looking out the window thinking about stuff, & having an epiphany. if you like that kind of poetry--fine, great, lovely! luckily for you there's a lot of it out there! & thankfully there are other kinds of poetry too. I can't say that I love or even like all of it, but I do respect it. I respect people who write in a genuine way--people who enjoy literature. people whose intention & approach to writing is one of engagement & curiosity, rather than, say, the furthering of one's ravenous ego. in other words, I don't give a hoot about your reputation.
& if you're a non-poet poet-basher, well there is a special level of hell for you. especially if you believe yourself to be an artist. because how many times has someone walked past a Motherwell, Pollack, or Rothko & thought "hell, I could do that." ??? don't you think that perhaps there might be something you're missing? some sort of context or lineage you may not be aware of? but instead of putting aside judgment & exploring a bit more, you decide to spew on your blog. "yawn."
the fact is, coming into contact with something unfamiliar alienates people. the typical response is to shut down & say "I don't like that." the less grounded a person is, the more opinions they'll come up with to reinforce their view of reality.
the other fact is, most people feel alienated. they feel alienated from other people. if they feel like there's an inside, they will assume they're on the outside. & really, the people who look like they're on the inside are probably feeling as alienated as the people who feel like they're on the outside. but at one time or another, everyone was on the outside. so actually, it's just your turn. & you can decide to screw it up by being a meanie but if you do that's your own bag of crap.