Saturday, January 10, 2009
PSA: save the kitties (& puppies too)! part II
I've been corresponding with a woman in SF who volunteers to help move adoptable cats out of the Kings County Animal Shelter in the rural central valley of CA, near Fresno. The animals there are euthanized at a very high rate as they have no room for the large number of incoming animals with only a few being adopted.
Here's what she says:
"The shelter is overrun and only has an average of one adoption a month, so before I started helping in October, most cats only had five days. At least some are getting out now, but yesterday they got in 30 cats and they are out of room. The entire shelter is closed on weekends, which doesn't help their adoption rate. The coordinator keeps for adoption only the nicest of the hundreds they get in, and has been sending me photos of her [the cat I was inquiring about] to try and help me find her a home. "
Currently this shelter has 197 dogs and 72 cats! There are volunteers that coordinate getting the animals to people that want to adopt them in the Bay Area.
For more information about a particular animal, call:
Kings County Animal Control at (559) 584-9214
Ask for information about animal ID number A025871
Friday, January 9, 2009
PSA: save the kitties!
in the midst of this, we're going along, living our lives, updating our status on facebook, drinking our morning coffee, finding nothing to wear, taking our anti-depressants, coaxing our children into diapers, clothes, shoes, jackets, strollers, elevators, carseats, driving to work, texting, wishing we'd worn our other jacket, feeling chubby, walking in cute but uncomfortable shoes, planning our weddings, bored at our desk jobs, wanting to write poems but feeling like there's no poem there to write, window shopping on ebay, updating our status on facebook, drinking our diet cokes, googling ourselves, feeling badly about not drinking enough water, filing something & so forth, totally unaware that healthy, helpless pets are sitting in shelters waiting to be rescued, but are euthanized to make room for more incoming animals instead! perhaps it's not the most terrible thing on the totem pole of terrible things, but it's pretty awful all the same.
for instance, did you know that black cats and dogs are consistently overlooked and stay in the shelters longer than any other colored animals? they are followed by all white cats and dogs. and of course, everyone wants a kitten and so older pets get left behind as well. chubby ones too...
so help save the kitties...
(by the way, I did not write these descriptions)
Morgan is a Big Kitty. Don't hold the excess weight against her! It wasn't her fault. She was picked up in a parking lot where she had been seen for several days. Morgan LOVES to be brushed, and really likes being brushed across the back. And despite her size, she is interested in stringlike toys. A friendly, gentle cat. We had a 2 year-old visitor, and Morgan was very tolerant of the clumsy, but gentle, pets.
Morgan has been here since JANUARY 2008 and though she is as gentle as ever, would love to get out of here into a real home. HEALTHY CAT Morgan's bloodwork has been done, and she doesn't have any thyroid or diabetes problem; in fact, no major health issues. She just can't get enough excercise in the shelter, but Morgan's willing to do her part!
Mimi is the most mellow cat going. She is extremely gentle, good natured and affectionate. She is a senior cat at twelve years old. She can be shy sometimes about coming out of her cage, but is always glad when you come for a visit. Her previous owner claims she is good with kids and other animals, although Mimi is very anxious when the barking of the shelter dogs gets too close. She loves her belly rubbed and she has cute markings on her paws. Mimi is no ordinary cat. She scoops food out from her food dish and eats out of her paw. One should stick around to observe her eating habits. Mimi has been here since January 2008.
Hello everyone, my name is Katarina! I have been at the center a short time but my sweet nature has already captured the hearts of the staff. One of my favorite things is to fall soundly asleep while having my cheeks pet - I love it! My velvety fur is very soft to the touch, and I am confident that my affectionate demeanor will melt your heart. If you're looking for a petite gal with a huge heart, please come down to meet me today! It’s that time of year when cats arrive at SVACA’s Animal Care Center in overwhelming numbers. To promote the adoption of these loveable and special companions, SVACA is encouraging the adoption of bonded adult cats for one low adoption fee. Please contact our office to learn more about this program.
Blanca is a beautiful gentle 8 year-old cat with stunning blue eyes and a soft pink nose. She can be hesitant in new situations, but is eager for a gentle stroke and a dangly toy.
510 337 - 8565
Clementine is a stray cat who came to the shelter in mid November. She is female and of adult age. She is unsure of herself at the moment and is sleeping in her litter box. She will need some time before her true personality will shine. Clementine doesn't solicit pets, but she enjoys being scratched between her shoulder blades, and a gentle face rub may elicit a soft purr. Clementine has long fur and has great markings of black ears and a white coat.
Calla is as white as snow, paired with beautiful green-eyes. She was an injured stray with a wound around her neck likely from an embedded piece of twine. She is slowly healing, but is still abit traumatized. With the care of dedicated volunteers, she is coming around at her own time. Calla enjoys to be cuddle and petted - she would benefit with a quiet pace of life.
Calla is id#26364
These cuties were found when they were about 4 weeks old. Although their mom is fine, the kittens have a genetic defect with their eyes. Harley and Chip were born without eyes and when they were old enough, had surgery to clean out the sockets and sew their lids shut. Since they've never been able to see, they don't know the difference! Their hearing, sense of smell and whiskers guide them. They navigate the living area of my home perfectly, probably by recognizing the different floor coverings in the kitchen, family room, living room, etc. They climb the cat tree, chase each other, and play with toys as though they can see. They are truly amazing to watch – I often forget they are blind. They even make their way all the way down the hall to use my adult cat's covered litter box that I keep in the bathtub.
You won't find more cuddly kittens or kittens that purr so much! They are so happy and love to be held and smooched – even by their friendly dog roommates! (Chip and Harley especially love the dogs.) I would love them to be adopted in pairs but if you already have a sweet cat that would be a best friend to one of these kittens and help it get used to your house, that might work too. Please call 925-451-4695 if you'd like more information.
Weeble wobbles but she doesn't fall down! Weeble has a condition known as Cerebellar Hypoplasia (CH). This is a neurological condition that she was born with but it's not serious and will not get worse. She requires no medication or special care. However, she does walk like she's a little drunk! Her condition is mild and she gets along quite well. Though not the most graceful girl, she does run, jump and climb just fine. She's quite a playful little goof. She loves her kitty friends, but irritates them when she stumbles into them. She'd do well with an easy going buddy, maybe even a dog. Weeble is shy and when company comes over, she'll hightail it under the bed. She does, however, love to be around her person and be in the middle of what's going on. She'll flop down in front of you and roll over for attention. She's a very happy cat and will sleep on the bed with you. Weeble is still a bit spooky and if she feels vulnerable, she'll give you a smack and take a few steps away from you. She's not comfortable being held much and you need to pick her up calmly. Once in your arms, she relaxes and enjoys it. She was rescued with her mom and siblings, Fur Monster and Emily, from an unsafe area in Oakland. They're all off the street now and awaiting a home of their own. Weeble will need a quiet adult household. We estimate she was born in September of 2004. Bio# 2250
For more information, please contact Elaine at: 510-482-6179 or Adoption applications and all other available kitties can be found on our website:
and lastly...
The Bethel Island Cats
On Tuesday, Oct. 14th 2008, a woman came to the shelter with 15 cats ages 1 to 10. She and her husband had been out fishing by Bethel Island and she could see cats running around. They went in to take a closer look. As they got close enough, the cats began jumping into the boat as they were so happy to see someone. There was no food around so they had been scavenging the best they could and had Delta water to drink. The woman gathered up all the cats and brought them to Martinez Shelter.
No food or water was available to these cats who were obviously abandoned to fend for themselves. Domestics cats cannot survive long in this environment and thankfully they were transported to safetly. Most of these cats suffered from fleas and worms and upper respiratory infections. All needed to be spayed or neutered and some require dentals.
Safe Cat Foundation pulled 14 of these cats, another group took the 15th. Dan and Dave's Country Inn graciously offered to house them together. Click here for a link to Dan and Dave's Country Inn.
S. F. Bay Area Animal Shelters and Rescue Groups (a partial list)
650 Area Code
Haven on Earth (650) 742-6966
Peninsula Humane Society (650) 340-7022
Palo Alto Animal Services and Placement Center (650) 49-5971
Pets in Need (650) 367-1405
Afganhound Rescue
415 Area Code
The Marin Humane Society (415) 883-4621
San Francisco SPCA (415) 554-3000
San Francisco Animal Services and Placement Center (415) 554-6364
Dog Savers (415) 383-2962
408 Area Code
Companion Animal Rescue Effort (CARE) (408) 227-CARE
Humane Society of Silicon Valley (408) 72-3383
K9 Haven (408) 249-4118
Santa Clara County Animal Shelter-San Martin (408) 686-3900
South Bay Purebred Rescue (408) 629-8293
831 Area Code
Santa Cruz County Animal Services (831) 454-7303
Holister Animal Shelter (831) 636-4320
Monterey County Animal Services (831)
510 Area Code
Alameda Animal Control Services (510) 337-8565
Friends of the Fairmont Shelter (510) 667-7707
Berkeley Animal Care Services (510) 981-6600
Berekeley- East Bay Humane Society (510) 845-7735
Contra Costa Animal Shelter- Pinole (510) 374-3966
East Bay Animal Referral (510) 841-PAWS
City of Hayward Animal Shelter (510) 293-7200
Home at Last Animal Rescue (510) 237-1625
Tri City Animal Shelter - Fremont (510) 790-6800
Oakland Animal Services (510) 535-5602
Ohlone Humane Society (510) 792-4577
925 Area Code
Animal Rescue Foundation (925) 256-1ARF
Contra Costa Animal Shelter- Martinez (925) 335-8300
Contra Costa Humane Society - Pleasant Hill (925) 279-2247
East Bay SPCA
The City of Dublin Animal Control (925) 803-7040 (after 11:30am)
Tri Valley Animal Rescue (925) 803-7043
707 Area Code
Humane Society & SPCA of Sonoma County (707) 542-0882
Healdsburg Animal Shelter (707) 431-3386
for full list of shelters & organizations in or near your city, go to
okay, I'll stop now.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
who knew they were so like us?
I came across this while looking up ancient diagrams of the universe.