Monday, March 31, 2008

to the sun!

yesterday BC & I were in the car discussing the sun & what would happen if you were to travel to it. as some of you may know, BC has been writing a book called Journey to the Sun, describing his own trip to the sun as an 11 yr old boy. so, as you can imagine, the sun comes up quite often in conversation.

now, if you were to actually travel right to the sun, it's hard to say how close you could actually get before you'd be burnt to a crisp. or vaporized. or whatever would happen. BC says that all the oxygen & water in your body would immediately be, I don't know, sucked out, used up, something like that. it would be so immediate that it would be hard to know what was actually happening.

his idea is that you could get a suit that would shield you from the sun. I say that we already have one. it's a suit made of 93 million miles, which then means that we're already on the sun. what is it like to be on the sun, you say? right now, it's kind of mild. you need a light jacket and maybe a hat.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

risky business

I am all alone at work today. It is the strangest feeling to walk into an empty office building that is generally bustling with people.

I also don't have much to do. I mean there's a couple of things I could get done, but nothing pressing. Nothing that would take very long. What is the actual point of being here then?

This is the same feeling that I sometimes get when I finally get around to sitting (meditation). Or, even more, when suddenly Mina's gone to bed & I have time on my hands (which seems rare). At home, I wind up finding some way of "passing" this time, watching a movie or some silly thing on tv or on the indiebride message boards (as a result of planning a wedding). It's a total time suck. Sometimes, yes, I am doing constructive things like planning Artifact's readings & so on. But in any case, all of a sudden an hour has gone by or two or three. BC is better, he reads & so on (don't get me wrong, he watches tv too), but he's better at being disciplined. I guess what I'm saying is that instead of doing these time-sucking things, I should be doing something worthwhile, like writing or reading, or sitting, or doing yoga, you know something that will have a positive effect, right?

I've been thinking about this idea of discipline a lot lately. It comes up a lot in Dharma books & teachings, in yoga, & of course, in writing. One has to have discipline to practice, whatever that practice is. What is behind the discipline varies from person to person. We were talking a couple nights ago about a writer who is very ambitious to get their books published & seemingly to have as many out there as possible. Is this a good thing? Is it only good if the books are good? Sometimes the pieces or lines are kind of flat, so does the sheer quantity make up for the lack of consistency in quality? In any case, good or bad, does doing the thing constantly point to discipline? Or does it matter if one's doing it because one wants to be known after one dies? If choosing to sit every day for an hour (which I don't) can be seen as "good" practice, whereas not sitting can be seen as "poor" practice. But if you're sitting because you want to be "better" or prove that you're good, or even worse, to use it as a way to show other people that you're better than them, then it destroys the whole thing. Or does it? Maybe eventually, there's a realization during all that sitting--that the reason you first sat down on the cushion has nothing to do with sitting on the cushion. Does that happen in writing? I'm not sure it does, since quantity of books doesn't seem to make one any humbler.

Of course, what happens to a person who avoids having any sort of practice? There seems to be an unhinging effect. I guess, I'm thinking of practice (any one will do) as a lens through which to see or experience the world. I remember my mother telling me when I was young to find my "niche." That can be good or bad advice, depending if you cling to your niche & hold it as some sort of identity placeholder or let it just be what it is, a lens (one of many possible ones). It really comes down to how flexible one is, in light of how easily stuck one can become. It's terrifying to face open, empty space, obviously since generally the first inclination is to fill it up. And you can use anything to do that.

I suppose it just comes down to making a choice & constantly making that same choice through to the end. Because at any moment, you could change your mind, get up, put down the book, walk away from the computer, etc. but something has to keep you there on the spot. What is it? That's a genuine question. What exactly is it?

welcome to 1986

posting to this blog feels like decorating my locker in 6th grade.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

let's talk about lost

if you know me, then you know that I am obsessed with lost.

I started out only watching it because I knew one of the creators, damon lindelof, in high school. suddenly, I am obsessed. I blamed it on pregnancy hormones as I sat & watched one episode after another on dvd, sometimes fast-forwarding through the flashbacks because who needs to waste time on boring character sketches designed to make me care about the losties' redemption narrative? not me. I want information. as bc will tell you, I am known to yell at the screen, "just give me the information!" what is the monster? is christian shepard alive or a zombie? why is aaron counted as one of the oceanic 6? why did charles widmore beat up one of the others when he clearly has enough money to hire a minion to do his dirty work? & now, why won't the island let michael die?

these things make me crazy. I am no longer pregnant, so I have no excuse. & now it's even worse because I spend way too much time reading lost theories & sloshing through lostpedia.

the thing is, I have never been into a show like this. I mean, I've loved lots of tv shows for different reasons (and if I named them here I'd out myself as a complete reality show junkie), but this is different. it seems so tangled & open ended, like that island is its own universe.

the other thing about it that drives me crazy, for different reasons, is that suddenly I am like my mother--a complete sci-fi junkie. she watches every star trek spin off, has gone to conventions, etc. if there were a lost convention, would I go?

oh my god, I might actually go.

happy birthday to us

today mina is 10 months old.

today I am 394.5 months old.

today brent is 471.5 months old.

from me to you

open & shut

the fire dept. has a new rule (apparently) where all office buildings that have pneumatic doors must be kept shut & not propped open with doorstops. even ones attached to the door.

I have never realized how many times a day I go through a doorway. it's constantly open, open, open here. locking & unlocking. it also involves a lot of touching of things. very annoying when you are also holding a very hot bowl of soup.

Monday, March 24, 2008

completists vs. completionists

bc wrote to tell me about the word completists & that it should sit where I put the word completionists. interestingly enough, blogger doesn't recognize either words as being words. it does however recognize blogger, which is well, not actually a word.

completists sounds a bit stunted, and not long enough of a word to describe completists.

however, completionists apparently are not completists, but something else. something that is the opposite of incrementalists.

in another blog far away someone wrote about them here. he was referring to another blog here. one day all of cyberspace will be disconcertingly linked to itself. it will be a mess.

if you want to know, sometimes I am a completionist & sometimes I am an incrementalist.

worst movie ever.

no surprise really. it does include the best worst rejection letter in all of film history: "why would a beautiful, self-centered lesbian jump out of a plane?"

we watched it, being the jane austen completionists that we are. we meaning the jane austen movie club which is me, michael nicoloff, brent, & sometimes mina. next is 1980 p & p mini-series.

before we watched it, I made mn & bc promise to never tell, but instead I've decided to out myself...


it's happening. I apologize in advance.