Tuesday, March 25, 2008

let's talk about lost

if you know me, then you know that I am obsessed with lost.

I started out only watching it because I knew one of the creators, damon lindelof, in high school. suddenly, I am obsessed. I blamed it on pregnancy hormones as I sat & watched one episode after another on dvd, sometimes fast-forwarding through the flashbacks because who needs to waste time on boring character sketches designed to make me care about the losties' redemption narrative? not me. I want information. as bc will tell you, I am known to yell at the screen, "just give me the information!" what is the monster? is christian shepard alive or a zombie? why is aaron counted as one of the oceanic 6? why did charles widmore beat up one of the others when he clearly has enough money to hire a minion to do his dirty work? & now, why won't the island let michael die?

these things make me crazy. I am no longer pregnant, so I have no excuse. & now it's even worse because I spend way too much time reading lost theories & sloshing through lostpedia.

the thing is, I have never been into a show like this. I mean, I've loved lots of tv shows for different reasons (and if I named them here I'd out myself as a complete reality show junkie), but this is different. it seems so tangled & open ended, like that island is its own universe.

the other thing about it that drives me crazy, for different reasons, is that suddenly I am like my mother--a complete sci-fi junkie. she watches every star trek spin off, has gone to conventions, etc. if there were a lost convention, would I go?

oh my god, I might actually go.

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