this isn't a great photo of the riverside square mall, but this was the "rich" mall. it had the most expensive stores, but it was in the next town over. and they had a gap. I once bought a pair of platform striped lowtop converse from this bloomingdales.
during my senior year I worked at the yogurt delight. I didn't like it at all & of course I never wanted to go, and they wouldn't give me time off for prom weekend or graduation, so I made up some story about having a sister who suddenly got lyme's disease which got progressively worse as time went on. eventually (around prom), she went into a coma. my friend nik would call & pose as my mother, then meet me in the parking lot.
they fired me for stealing money, which I did not do.

the crappy bergen mall.
my mother used to make us shop there.
I nearly got arrested stealing liquid eyeliner from CVS & was banned from the mall.
afterward, my friends & I threatened to beat up some preppy boys who tried to rat me out to the manager.

this is the paramus park mall. there were (& probably still are) a lot of "big hairs" there.

this is the carousel at garden state plaza. I loved this carousel as a kid.
this was the mall we hung out the most at as preteens & then teenagers.
in middle school we used to follow older guys thinking that they might think we were hot.
in high school we used to steal tapes from sam goody, make up from cvs & clothes from nordstroms & count out our loot down in the food court. we'd walk around & smoke cigarettes, on the constant look out for someone's mom.
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